How to mix fresh breast milk with stored milk for the infant

How to mix fresh breast milk with stored milk for the infant

The amount of milk that comes out every time you drink is not always the same. Sometimes a little, it can also be abundant. To save storage space, the breast can combine or mix the new breast milk with the milk already stored. How? Come, see the following explanation.

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Method for mixing fresh breast milk with stored milk for the infant

The amount of milk that comes out every time you drink is not always the same. Sometimes a little, it can also be abundant. To save storage space, the breast can combine or mix the new breast milk with the milk already stored. How? Come, see the following explanation

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Breast milk is often expressed by working mothers. This is because they can't always be next to their baby at all times, so they can't breastfeed right away when the baby is hungry. Moreover, breast milk should be expressed regularly so that the breasts do not swell and to prevent mastitis.

Not only that, but routinely expressing breast milk can also increase its production, so that babies can get enough breast milk.

Is it okay to mix fresh breast milk with stored milk?

The answer is, you can. However, there are several things that the breast should pay attention to, and they are:

Wash your hands before you start pumping or expressing breast milk. The goal is that expressed breast milk is not contaminated with germs, so it is safe to give it to your baby.

When you want to combine breast milk, make sure that the expressed milk that was combined is the milk that was expressed on the same day.

Make sure the pump and the breast milk storage area are clean each time it is used, and keep the pumped milk clean.

However, breast milk or expressed breast milk should not be mixed in the following cases:

How to mix fresh breast milk with stored breast milk?

One reason to mix breast milk is to save storage space. However, there are several things to consider when your breasts want to mix fresh breast milk with stored breast milk, and they are:

Fresh breast milk versus room temperature breast milk?

Breast milk is usually expressed every 3-4 hours, and generally fresh breast milk can last up to 4 hours at room temperature. If Busui has previously pumped breast milk, and the milk is still stored in a storage container (bottle or plastic) at room temperature, Busui can mix it with the freshly expressed breast milk.

However, make sure you put your breast milk in the bottle for no longer than 4 hours, yes. As you can see, breast milk that has been stored, say for 3 hours, and combined with breast milk that was just expressed, the shelf life of the mixture is not new breast milk, but breast milk from 3 hours ago.

Article: From Dr. Hasnaa Al-Qasimi

Editing: Hamza Al-Mai

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