So, you're curious about what exactly is Spiritism? Well, let me tell you all about it!

So, you're curious about what exactly is Spiritism? Well, let me tell you all about it!

According to Spiritism, spirits are not just something we imagine, but real entities that exist and can communicate with us.One of the core beliefs of Spiritism is that we are all immortal souls, and that death is just a transition from one state of existence to another. Spiritists believe that the

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So, you're curious about what exactly is Spiritism? Well, let me tell you all about it!

Spiritism is a belief system that originated in the 19th century in France. It's based on the idea that there is a spiritual world that interacts with our physical world.

According to Spiritism, spirits are not just something we imagine, but real entities that exist and can communicate with us.One of the core beliefs of Spiritism is that we are all immortal souls, and that death is just a transition from one state of existence to another. Spiritists believe that the soul continues to exist after death and can communicate with the living through mediums.

Mediumship is an important aspect of Spiritism. Mediums are people who have a special ability to communicate with spirits. They can receive messages from the spirit world and pass them on to the living. Spiritists believe that mediums can provide evidence of the existence of the spirit world and help us understand our place in it.Another important aspect of Spiritism is the idea of reincarnation. Spiritists believe that we live many lives, each one designed to help us learn and grow spiritually. They believe that we choose our life circumstances before we are born, based on what we need to learn in order to evolve spiritually.

Spiritism also has a strong moral component. Spiritists believe in the importance of living a moral and ethical life, and they strive to develop virtues like love, compassion, and humility. They believe that by doing so, we can become better people and contribute to the betterment of society.

In conclusion, Spiritism is a belief system that emphasizes the existence of a spiritual world and our connection to it. It offers a unique perspective on life, death, and the afterlife, and encourages us to live our lives with purpose and meaning. Whether you're a believer or not, it's certainly an interesting topic to explore!

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