Taking care of our mascots

Taking care of our mascots

Having a companion animal in our home comes with a set of responsibilities for its care and attention that we must be aware of. The following sections include a number of recommendations related to these topics.

➕ Extra 27/03/2022
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The first question you should ask yourself is whether you are willing to adopt an animal and whether it is appropriate for you. To do so, you must be willing to devote some of your time to the new pet, be patient and persistent, share some of your free time with the animal, and know how to respond firmly to any potential misbehaviour.

To achieve the best possible companionship with a dog, it is critical to consider the unique characteristics of each breed and provide the necessary care during the first few weeks.

A bed, a comedero, and a bebedero are all items that should be purchased before to the arrival of the new animal in the house, as well as accessories like as a correa and collar for dogs and a plastic cube for the deposition arena for cats. Aside from that, he will need a need that includes pens or cepillos, hmedas to clean his eyes and orejas, and a tenacilla.

It is critical to ensure that our companion animals eat a balanced diet that meets their energy needs and provides the necessary nutrients.

The optimal diet for both dogs and cats is a dry food that is tailored to each stage of development and requirement. Nutrients that are raw or uncooked should never be consumed because they can cause parasitic infections.

Obesity prevention is advantageous. A normal animal should have tangible costillas and a recognisable arena-reloj from above. There are currently a plethora of commercial diets available on the market that can assist us in avoiding obesity.

During periods of pregnancy or lactancy, perras and cats should be fed a high-quality commercial food, especially during the last three or four weeks of pregnancy and throughout lactancy. During lactation, the ration should be increased by 1.5 times the amount required for regular maintenance during the first week, 2 times more in the second week, and up to 3 times more in the third week.

Bao: When it comes to the frequency with which one should perform the baths, experts are divided. In general, this should not be less than once a month. Some authors believe that it should be done when it is needed, such as when the hair is frizzy. Even though cats are less tolerant of the bathroom than dogs, it is possible to train a cat to accept it and become accustomed to it. Specialized geles for companion animals are recommended.

Cepillado: The best way to keep your hygiene without changing your skin is to use a daily cepillado.

Objects: They must be cleaned with a gas. There are certain products that go on the auditory conduct and massage the area before being cleaned with gas.

Uas: If your dog is not eating well, you should cut them, especially if they are espolones. There are accessories for gatos on the market that allow them to araar in such a way that the uas remain in great condition.

Dental examination: gently articulating the boca with the dedos will cause your cat to abrase the boca, allowing you to examine the condition of his or her teeth. Only after chewing on a hard object or mordering certain juguetes do the teeth get limped. The sarro and the malignancy must be treated by a veterinarian.

Perros are gregarious and jerky animals, which means they need to know and accept their "place" in the family and outside of it (in the park, in the presence of strangers in the house, in places where they are expected to go such as the veterinarian's office, in the homes of relatives, etc.).

There is a critical period in the development of behaviour known as the "period of sensitisation," which lasts anywhere from three to ten weeks and during which the cachorro must react to everything that happens in his environment. Animals that have been socialised are more accepting of other animals, both of their own species and others.

This habituation makes them capable of confronting the environmental stimuli they will encounter throughout their lives.

We must instil in them fundamental norms of conduct through the learning of simple obedience behaviours. To do so, tell them your name before giving them an order in a short phrase. It is always necessary to work with positive reinforcements. For example, if you get out of the car, measure the distance and prime it. If you do not get out of the car, choose the "sit" (sentarse) position, gently pressing your backside into the seat, and if you do not get out of the car, apretar your head downwards and pull your front legs backwards.

There must be corrections, as well as undesirable behaviours such as murder. To do so, place one hand on top of the dog's hocico and exert more or less force depending on the situation and the dog's breed.

The gatos' language is more complicated, yet there are some common postures that they follow and are quite easy to learn (hiding under something, estiramiento y bostezo, postura de caza...). In addition, cats have a physical language, a vocal language that we must learn, and a marking instinct based on the removal of orina.

In general, both cats and dogs need to be desparsitized and vaccinated. The vaccine calendar will be established by your veterinarian, with annual doses for the majority of vaccines in adult animals and cachorros varying according to each protocol.

In the absence of symptoms of illness, a visit to the veterinarian should be made at least once a year.

It is critical that during that session, the animal's microchip is read and a thorough examination is performed. Take note of the veterinarian's recommendations.

If you notice that your dog is not eating or appears to be dying, take him to the veterinarian. When visiting a veterinarian, take note of any abnormal symptoms you may have noticed in your dog or cat; if you have a cat, transport it and do not leave it in the waiting room.

To keep your dog healthy and in shape, you should exercise her on a regular basis. However, you should avoid the hotter hours of the day because the dog tends to sleep through them. Furthermore, perros, like people, suffer from injuries, abrasions, and esguinces, necessitating the supervision of their physical activity and ensuring that they do not overwork themselves or engage in dangerous activities.

The exercise is required to allow the dog to express normal canine behaviours such as exploring, following olfactory rasters, and so on. Additionally, this time can be used to improve training and strengthen mascot-owner relationships.

Cats require formal exercise that can be found outside of the house (patios, gardens, etc.). When a cat stays in the house for an extended period of time, the owner must provide an activity that meets the animal's physical and mental needs.

Olga Gracia Garcia, Chief of the Technical Unit of the Animal Protection Center Fdo.










